The ferocious storm that Jesus confronted crossing the Sea of Galilee foreshadowed the powers He was about to unleash on the other side. When He set foot on that far shore, the man with the unclean spirit—the one whom no man could bind or subdue—ran from the tombs, howling and cutting himself. Mark 5 KJV says, he fell at Jesus’ feet and worshipped him.
What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me.
What is your name? Jesus asks.
My name is Legion, for we are many.
This was the region of Legion. The man at His feet harbored a storm of demonic spirits, a virtual battalion of opposition to Jesus Christ. Just as the violent legion of Roman soldiers operated under the thumb of dark principalities, Legion held this region captive under its violent sway. Even the pigs were not safe.
This was also the territory of Decapolis—a place of spiritually unclean peoples, keepers of pigs, and abode of evil spirits and false gods, held in contempt by Jewish law. Jesus, Son of the Most High God, was the last person expected to show up on their dark shore—this place of tombs and demons and dead memories.
This was an act of war. What plays out in this account is far more than a miraculous deliverance. This is in fact a clash of crowns at the highest level—the toppling of tyrannical principalities in the pagan land of Og and warfare of another order.
Come out of this man, you unclean spirit, Jesus said.
Legion begged not to be sent to the abyss but into the herd of pigs grazing nearby. Upon entering the chosen host, 2000 swine suddenly turned helter-skelter, running headlong over the cliff to drown in the sea.
When locals discovered the drowned pigs and the man possessed by Legion sitting calmly, clothed and in his right mind, they were very afraid. They pleaded with Jesus to leave the region, preferring the torment of Legion to the peace with a price that Jesus brought to their shore.
Who was this interloper-disruptor of their ancient ways? The one whose very presence overturned the dominion of ruling principalities in a single hour?
To be clear, Jesus did not go to Genesares on a healing mission. He came as a conquering King to dethrone prevailing powers in the pagan territory of Decapolis and to announce the arrival of a new King and a new kingdom—the Kingdom of God!
The kingdom of God is at hand!
Before leaving that day, He deputized a man set free from the power of Legion as agent and witness to the coming of the King and His Kingdom.
So the man went away and began to proclaim throughout the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And everyone was amazed.
What do you share with others about how much Jesus has done for you?
Are you one who testifies to the power of the King and Kingdom in your life?
Do you need to refresh your remembrance, your gratitude, or your testimony in order to advance the Kingdom of God?